Towel Manufacturer's Association Pakistan is a leading organization in towel industry of Pakistan, having a market penetration over 128 countries.
The setup of Association is as Under:
A. The registered office of the Association is in Karachi.
B. The Circle offices of the Association is divided in 2, one for Southern Circle (i.e. provinces of the Sindh & Baluchistan) & one in Lahore for Northern Circle (i.e. Province of Punjab, Khyber Pakhton Khaw and federal Area.
C. Strength of Association Member:
I. T.M.A (Southern Circle ) 175 Members
II. T.M.A (Northern Circle ) 20 Members
TMA Southern Circle offer following services to their members
1. Issuance of Certificate of Origin to Association Members:-
Association issues Certificate of Origin to its members certifying that goods being exported are of Pakistan origin.
2. Recommendation Letters:-
Association issue recommendation letter to members in favor of Embassies / Consulates facilitating them to get Business Visa for travelling purpose.
3.Advocacy Services:
Liaison with Federal Board of Revenue, Ministry Of Textile Industry, State Bank of Pakistan and as when needed member is facilitated in getting legal right from the competent authority.
4. Compliance issues:
Our Mission
To globally highlight Pakistan's Towel Manufacturers as high end quality product exporters and to facilitate the members of our association.
Towel industry in Pakistan was practically nonexistent prior to 1965. It started on a very small scale in 1965. After covering some stages, the Towel Manufacturing Group was formed initially at Karachi and got recognized by the Ministry of Commerce. Mr. M.Y. Khan, Mr. Abdullah E. Vaid, Mr. Khalid Saeed Sheikh and Mr. S.M.A. Rizvi held the office of chairman from time to time in the Group from the date of its recognition. In the year 1976 the group was elevated to the status of an Association on All Pakistan basis and got affiliated with the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
The Towel Manufacturers’ Association of Pakistan was recognized by the Ministry of Commerce Government of Pakistan In 1976 as “A” class Association with Head office at Karachi and two Circles viz., Northern Circle (i.e. Punjab & Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa) and Southern Circle (i.e. Sind & Baluchistan) provinces with their offices at Lahore and Karachi respectively. It got registered with Astt: Registrar, Joint Stock Companies, Sind who issued the Certificate of Incorporation on 1st October 1976. First election of the Association was held in December 1976 and it started functioning properly from 1st January 1977.
Since than the Govt. of Pakistan has entrusted this Association with the job of management and distribution of Quota of Towels, Terry fabrics & other made-up to its members. The founder members of this Association were, Mr. S.M.A. Rizvi, Mr. Khalid Saeed Sheikh, Mr. M.L. Ashraf, Mr. Zahur lqbal, Mr. Hassanali Chaturbhai, Mr. Bashir H. Alimohammad, Mr. Anis Hashmi, Mr. Mian Abdul Aziz, Mr. Yousef A. Gani, Mr. Ch. Muhammed Salim, Mr. Tanveer A. Sheikh and Mr. M. Arshad Sajid.
Most of the Towel Manufacturing Units became members of this Association. Being satisfied with the working of this Association, the Govt. of Pakistan did not only recognize the Association but classified it as an “A” class Association under Trade Organizations Ordinance 1961 vide SRO No. 684(1)/81 dated 27th June 1981. The Association was also designated to issue Certificates of Origin under Article 11(2) of the International convention relating to the simplification of customs formalities, 1923 in respect of Towels exported to non-GSP countries from Pakistan vide SRO No. 903(1)1181 dated 10th August 1981. Moreover, the State Bank of Pakistan has also authorized this Association to issue certificates (T-2) for submission to that Bank for sanction of Business Travel Quota for countries other than India vide State Bank of Pakistan letter No. 8066/ECP.8(ii)-B-83 dated 31st October 1983.
SMA Rizvi Textile Institute (SMARTI)
A Joint Project Of Ministry Of Commerce Govt. Of Pakistan And Towel Manufacturers Association(TMA). Our institute make students potentially strong and because of that encouragement boost and build their relevant skills in their respective fields and this ability to shows the best results and they achieved great success in their career.
Mission is to provide skill manpower to the textile industry
Vision is to foster high quality education in textile and produce enlightened citizen with strong moral & ethical values that build a tolerant and pluralistic society rooted in the culture of Pakistan.
Here you can click to watch a full documentary about SMARTI.